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welcome to play:space

empowering resilience & action in times of climate crisis

Under new management from 1st November 2024

Since June last year, I’ve been doing my best to keep the doors of play:space open, despite having run out of money (and enthusiasm) and having to bid farewell to the beautiful team who launched this place.

It had become clear that the vision of building a “home for eco action” wasn’t going to be viable. We discovered that currently there are relatively few organisations in Cluj with a genuine focus on sustainability. I noticed that most of those that do exist are run by small groups of people who have know each other for years, with little openness to broader collaboration. They each have their own ‘home’ and are happy to stay inside it!

At the same time, play:space has been moulded by the love, creativity and contributions of a much broader community. A diversity of wonderful activities continue to happen there including aerial silks classes, capoeira, carpentry workshops, polyamory discussions, embodiment and self-development. Amy continues to lead community gardening sessions and ASAT offers weekly packets of local produce.

I’ve been looking for ways to continue to keep the space available for all of you, while personally stepping aside and giving myself the freedom to explore more effective ways to support positive ecological action. The need has never felt greater to me, as our climate becomes more unstable and extreme each year, while we all continue to burn fossil fuels.

So, I’m happy to announce that Cercul Intreg will take over the management of play:space from 1st November. There will be no change until that date, so feel free to contact me. After that, the space will no doubt evolve into something different and and new, under their stewardship.

Thanks for all your support and I’m looking forward to seeing you again soon. If you have any ideas to support sustainable lifestyles or technologies and think my skills might be of benefit, I remain open to collaboration! 🙂



founding member Jonathan explaining the play:space project & vision, filmed by our friends at SpiritMap